Spring 1 - Look up, look down - what is all around?
Spring 1 Subject overview
Phonics and early Reading
Physical development
Taught Physical Development content
Routine/Day-Day Teachable Moments:
PEN.3 know how to stand on one leg and hold a pose for a game like musical statues
Provision either Continuous or Enhanced:
PEN.13 know how to walk, run and climb on different levels and surfaces
AND.1 – know how to hold a pencil, demonstrating using a developmentally appropriate grip
AND.2 – know how to effectively make marks on paper
AND.3 – know how to use closed shapes with continuous lines
AND.4 – know and practise a range of gross motor movements that support the mechanics of drawing
Taught Literacy content
NCN.1 Have an awareness that there are fiction and non-fiction books
Look and establish the difference between text types.
NCN.2 Have an interest in non-fiction books/text.
Find out what children are interested in and collect non-fiction books that they are interested to read and share.
NCN.3 Know how to talk in a simple sentence, using 4-6 words
Talk about buildings e.g. A house has lots of rooms. A flat does not have stairs.
Talk about transport e.g. You can drive in a car on a road. You can go to a different country in an aeroplane.
NC N.4 Know and acquire new vocabulary based upon exposure to non-fiction content
Buildings: house, flat, bungalow, shop, warehouse, skyscrapers
Transport: car, train, boat, aeroplane, bike
Taught Content Literacy
Genre: Narrative: Setting Description – Woodland (inspired by “Norman and his silly shell” Sue Hendra).
Nar N.1 Know that stories have different parts and can begin to name the beginning, middle and end
Know that a setting description comes at the start of a story.
Nar N.3 Know how to talk about what somebody is doing using either a character name or pronoun and a verb
Describe what is happening in the setting – how things are moving, sound, smell, look
Nar N.4 Know how to use simple adjectives when talking about stories
Use adjectives to describe the setting e.g. tall trees
Nar N.5 Know and apply the new vocabulary I am exposed to
Woodland: forest, woodland, animals, green, leafy, tweeting birds, hooting owls, fluffy, orange foxes
Spring 1 Subject overviews
Taught Maths content
Revisit 2D Shapes – Composing pictures
To know how the names of 2D names (squares, triangles, rectangles, circles)
To know how to use the language ‘curve’, ‘straight’, ‘flat’ and ‘round’
Making Groups
To know that a group refers to a set of items
To know that groups can be combined to make a larger group.
To know that a group can be split into
To know the concept of equal and unequal groups (children know that things can be shared ‘fairly’ or ‘unfairly’)
To know how to identify equal and unequal groups (children can say when things have, or have not, been shared ‘fairly’)
Subitising 1-3
Know how to subitise to 3.
Comparing groups (more & less
Know how to compare small groups of objects using the language big, small, more, less, same.
Revisiting Numbers – 1,2,3 & 5
Know how to count to 5
Know how to accurately count up to 5 objects
Linking numbers to quantity 1-5
Know how to mark make to represent quantities