Beeston Consolidated Charity
Beeston Consolidated Charity are currently supporting several projects in school. The charities aim is to support local people who find themselves in hardship to relieve their distress.
With the charities support we have been able to extend our Family Support Workers office hours - this enables her to work with more local parents in need of extra support with all areas of parenting, accessing services or to get the additional support they need.
They have also supported a peer mediation scheme in school which has taught our children negotiation and conflict resolution skills. We are pleased that they will be able to take these skills out into the local community as well as using them on the playground.
The charity has also allowed us to greatly reduce the cost of some of our recent trips. Our children attend one out of school trip each which represents a great cost to parents. With the charities support we have been able to pay for the transport costs attached to these trips reducing the cost to parents.
Beeston Consolidated Charity are also supporting several other projects that we will be pleased to announce here in the near future.