Dinner Menus
We are pleased to announce that Nottinghamshire County Council are now providing the onsite catering for our children. IMPORTANT - if your child has any special dietary requirements or allergies, you must complete and return this form as a matter of urgency.
School meal menus run on a three week rota - check the dates at the side of the menus to see which week it is. A vegetarian option is available every day, please advise us if your child is vegetarian or cannot eat meat for religious reasons.
Jacket potatoes are available to order on the day. For example if your child does not like fish you could look at the menus and order a Jacket potato on fish days instead.
School meals cost £2.95 per day. This should be paid through ParentPay, please click the link here - https://www.parentpay.com/Parents-school-online-payment-system/
Log in details are available from the school office.
If you are entitled to certain benefits such as income support, child tax credit but not working tax credit or job seekers allowance, your child may be entitled to receive Free School Meals.
You can apply for Free School Meals by visiting Free school meals and milk | Nottinghamshire County Council
If you require any help applying please come and talk to us in the school office.
You may of course send your child with a packed lunch from home. We would ask that you follow the healthy lunch box guidelines set out by the government which are detailed in the leaflet below.