During the Spring Term we will be writing:
- Instructions: Getting through a Chinese jungle
Key Vocabulary: adventure, treasure, camouflage, equipment, instructions, jungle, warriors, terrain, crocodile, gorilla
- Letter: sharing what Shanghai is like
Key Vocabulary: skyscraper, cuisine, port, tantalising, climate, famous, population, landmark, enticing, coastal
- Setting Description: Shanghai compared to Chinese jungle
Key Vocabulary: luscious, chaotic, exotic, marvellous, iconic, monstrous, jungle, wild, creatures, breath-taking
- Explanation text: similarities and differences between Shanghai and Nottingham
Key Vocabulary: similar, alike, different, difference, both, compare, comparison, contrast, one, because
During the Autumn Term we will be writing:
- A newspaper article about the events of the Great Fire of London
Key Vocabulary: inferno, squalid, blaze, engulf, panic, skyline, relentless, helpless, monument flooded
- A conversation poem between a nurse from the past (e.g. Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale) and a nurse from the present
Key Vocabulary: apron, bonnet, tabard, nursing, lamp, passageways, hospital, patient, medicine, hygiene
- A fire safety leaflet
Key Vocabulary: electricity, electric socket, evacuation plan, address, fire fighters, first responder, candles, dangerous, prevention, recommendation
- A character description from a story called Traction Man and Turbo Dog
Key Vocabulary: action figure, muscular, protective, sturdy, chiselled, considerate, valiant, heroic, fearless, adventure