During Autumn Term 1, we will cover the following mathematical concepts by following the Mastering Number scheme, supplemented by White Rose....
• Can correctly name the 2D shapes.
• Combine building blocks to make complex shapes (e.g. arches, crosses)
• perceptually subitise within 3
• identify sub-groups in larger arrangements
• practise using their fingers to represent quantities which they can subitise
Counting, cardinality and ordinality
• relate the counting sequence to cardinality, seeing that the last number spoken gives the number in the entire set
• have a wide range of opportunities to develop their knowledge of the counting sequence, including through rhyme and song
• have a wide range of opportunities to develop 1:1 correspondence, including by coordinating movement and counting
• have opportunities to develop an understanding that anything can be counted, including actions and sounds
• explore a range of strategies which support accurate counting.
• see that all numbers can be made of 1s
• compose their own collections within 4.
• create their own patterns for numbers within 4
• experience subitising in a range of contexts, including temporal patterns made by sounds.
• understand that sets can be compared according to a range of attributes, including by their numerosity
• use the language of comparison, including ‘more than’ and ‘fewer than’
• compare sets ‘just by looking’
• begin to understand the concept of time through past, present and future events.
• name the days of the week confidently.
• understand the days of the week are in an order and can recall them.
• discuss events with an adult using the terminology today, yesterday and tomorrow.