If you need help to support your child with online safety please follow this link
If you have a safeguarding concern about a child at our school, please call the school immediately or if you have information you wish us to know and this comes 'out of hours' please email our Child and Family Support Worker
Urgent safeguarding concerns can be referred by members of the public via nottscc website. Please search 'report a new concern about a child notts' for the most up to date details or use this phone number:
For any urgent concerns about a child or if you wish to report a concern anonymously, please contact us on 0300 500 80 80
Safeguarding is of paramount importance to us here at Beeston Fields Primary and Nursery School. We EMPOWER our children, staff and wider community to ensure that signs of abuse are acted upon swiftly and children and adults are equipped to deal with associated risks.
In our school we benefit from 5 specially trained DSLs (Designated Safeguarding Leads). These trained professionals support all of our staff and volunteers to act upon the Child Protection and Safeguarding policies of our school. These policies can be found in the 'Policies' section of our website, as well as information for parents on managing risks.
We use our comprehensive PSHE programme to directly teach about how to stay safe online and offline (programmes can be found in the 'Curriculum' section of the website) which is enhanced by work with the NSPCC, our local PSCO, LGBTQ+ groups and the wider educational community.
Children know how to 'Speak up, Stay safe' and they revisit the NSPCC 'Pants' story annually to reiterate the importance of personal safety and well-being.
Mental Health First Aiders work alongside our Pastoral Lead to ensure that mental health issues are supported. We use a counselling service to support children who have encountered trauma and our specialist Pastoral Team is made up of professionals skilled in: bereavement counselling, ELSA, emotion coaching and attachment awareness.
If you have any concerns about bullying we would urge you to contact us immediately to enable us to swiftly intervene, support and address the issues. We have a comprehensive programme of anti-bullying teaching and learning which involves children from all year groups in peer support, anti-bullying alliance accreditation and Young Leaders. If you require support please visit the anti-bullying alliance website for further guidance.
Please see our policies section for further information.