Useful Information
School Uniform
All children are expected to wear the school uniform:
- Grey/black trousers, skirt, pinafore or shorts
- White shirt, blouse or polo shirt
- During warmer weather, children may wear a blue check dress
- Blue jumper or cardigan
- Black shoes
- Children have the option of wearing our school tie
All items brought into school should be labelled with the child's name or initials and the class (including bags and coats). Children are responsible for their garments and equipment. Items left which are not correctly labelled will be held in the school lost property boxes located in the KS1 corridor (if you do not know where this is please ask a member of staff, we will direct you).
Other items
Please do not send your child to school with any toys or anything of special value to them. We cannot take responsibility for any items that may go missing. We will inform you if we have any special days where toys will be allowed to be brought into school.
We will have P.E on a Monday and Friday. Children are expected to arrive in school in full P.E kit on this day. The school PE kit is a plain white t-shirt or polo shirt, blue/black shorts or jogging bottoms and plimsolls or trainers. We have a 'no jewellery' policy in P.E lessons, for the children's safety. Please ensure that your child is not wearing earrings on P.E day, or that they are able to take their own earrings out before the P.E lesson.
Water Bottles
Please send your children to school with a labelled water bottle. These are kept in the classroom.
We have now launched an exciting new way of logging and keeping up-to-date with reading. ‘Boom Reader’ is simple to use and makes things so much easier for you and your child. It’s accessible online, via an app that you can access using a smartphone, tablet or home computer. A link will have been sent to you via text message. Take a look at the guide and enjoy this fantastic new opportunity. Please log every time your child reads at home.
School gates will be open by 8:45 am and the children can line up on the playground, in front of their teacher. The bell rings at 8:55 and teachers will bring children into school.
Lunch is at 11:55 and is followed by a period of fun outside play, supervised by our midday supervisors. As we are a healthy school, please provide your child with a healthy lunchbox if your child is having a packed lunch. Please ensure lunchboxes contain nut free items.
Home time
Home time is at 3:30. Please collect your child from the playground at the back of school.
Contact Details
Please keep the School Office updated with all your current contact details, so that we can contact you directly and keep you updated with all school matters.
Class Dojo
Make sure you have signed up to Class Dojo so that your teacher can keep in touch with you.