Useful Information
Nursery Session Times (15 hour offer)
Morning session - School gates will be open by 8:45 am and children in Nursery go straight into their class. Staff welcome children in via the EYFS door, accessed by the playground. Children are dismissed at 11.45am at the top of the school by the blue door.
Afternoon session - children are welcomed from the front of school, by the blue door, at 12:30pm. They walk down to Nursery with their teacher and TA. Collection at the end of the day is from the EYFS door, accessed via the playground. Please wait at the bottom of the steps for your child. Please do not call your child to you - it is really important that staff know which children they have dismissed and to who. If your children are being collected by a different adult on a particular day then the teacher must be informed. Without this, children will not be allowed to leave the school grounds.
Across Beeston Fields School, we use an app called 'Class Dojo' to communicate with families via 1:1 messenger, Class Story and School Story. We usually post a summary of the week, along with some photographs, on a Friday evening for you to share with your child over the weekend.
This is a free app and parents are not required to upgrade to the 'premium' version advertised by the app itself; the standard version will offer all the features needed to engage with the content we share via Class Dojo.
Staff check their Dojo messages during working hours (8am - 4pm) and you can usually expect a reply to personal messages within 2 working days.
School Uniform
All children are expected to wear the school uniform:
- Grey/black trousers, skirt, pinafore or shorts.
- White shirt, blouse or polo shirt.
- During warmer weather, children may wear a blue check dress.
- Blue jumper or cardigan.
- Black shoes.
- Children have the option of wearing our school tie.
Please ensure all uniform and clothing is labelled correctly with the child's name.
Pease send the following to school every day:
Book Bag, with reading diary and books inside.
Water bottle (water only, please)
Physical Education (PE)
PE is on Friday for both classes. Children should wear their PE kit to school on Fridays.
School PE kit is black or grey jogging bottoms / leggings (or shorts in the summer), white T-shirt, and navy blue jumper, sweatshirt or fleece. PE kit should not have slogans or large logos please. Children should wear plain coloured trainers or plimsolls.