Useful Information
Session times:
Morning nursery begins at 8.45am and ends at 11.45am.
Afternoon nursery begins at 12.30 and ends at 3.30.
School Uniform
It is a requirement that children come to school in uniform. Please see the list below:
A navy blue jumper
A white shirt
A school tie
Black/grey skirt or trousers or a grey pinafore dress
Sensible black shoes (no sandals)
Most of the uniform is available from Morleys the School Outfitters or at Tesco Online (see link below).
Our school tie, designed by Paul Smith, is only available from the office. Please also see the office to purchase book bags and water bottles.
Change of clothes:
We encourage all the children to ‘get stuck in’ and involved with whatever activities they choose – this can sometimes be, and quite often is, messy. Our day also includes some outdoor activity so children may get wet. Therefore, we encourage ALL children to bring a change of clothes – this also helps in case of any toilet accidents. Please ensure all clothes and belongings are labelled!
What we would ask you not to bring:
We politely ask that children do not bring any toys from home, as they may be lost, damaged or have tiny parts that another child may ingest. If your child has a toy in their hand when they arrive at nursery, we would ask you to encourage them to leave it safely in your keeping until you return to collect them.
Reading Books
Each week we will send children home with two reading books along with their reading diary. These books will be changed on a weekly basis. We ask that you please bring them back each week in their book bags along with their diary so they can be changed.
How you can help your child at home with their learning:
Encourage your child to dress independently – teach them how to do up their buttons, zips, buckles, put on/take off their jumpers.
Provide opportunities for your child to use pens, paper, pencils, scissors, paint, etc. at home.
Encourage physical activity through trips to the park, ball games, swimming, running, biking, climbing, etc.
Read with your child each night, discuss the story with them and have fun!
Encourage your child to talk about what they do at school each day.
Look for and discuss different sounds around the home, and when out and about.
Read, discuss and encourage your child to retell the fairy tales we are focusing on this half term.
Look for numbers and shapes in the environment as you are out and about.
Count regularly with your child – as they are tidying up, doing different jobs.
Listen for the initial sounds in words and share with your child particularly the initial sound in their name.
Provide opportunities for your child to ‘have a go’ at writing or making marks.
Do speak to us
If you have any questions or queries or would simply like to let us know something about your child do speak to a member of staff. If we are not able to speak to you straight away, we will arrange a time with you.
We look forward to a very enjoyable term with you and your children.