Trips and Special Events
Summer 1 - How Are Humans Like Other Animals?
This term we have been looking at variation in animals and what an animal needs to stay alive and healthy - including humans.
Spring 2 Topic - Where do Bong Trees Grow?
Our topic for Spring 2 is an animal and nature based topic. We launched our new theme by asking children where a mystical and imaginary 'Bong Tree' might grow. They designed their fantastic imaginary trees and we explored what kind of animals and creatures might live in it.
This linked well to our Science thread of 'habitats' and 'life-cycles' - where the children learnt about different types of habitats and the animals that survived there. We researched what kind of nest/den the animals slept in and how the environment effects their diet,, how they have evolved and their community. This led to children producing a fact file about animals and their habitats, which we displayed in our classrooms.
We had a fantastic visit from Hawks of Steele - a brilliant birds of prey company who introduced us to some of the rescued birds that they have raised. Children got to handle the the birds and see them fly around.
The final outcome for Year 2 will be a performance of the classic Edward Lear poem 'The Owl and the Pussycat'. Children read the poem and wrote their own versions of it, then later in the half term, learnt it and practised actions for it.
Spring 1 Topic- Terrific Transport!
This half term our children have worked really hard on our exciting topic 'Terrific Transport'. We visited Coventry Transport Museum and saw how transport has changed over the last 200 years - Malachi even had a go on a Victorian bike, it was great! We saw cars, vans, trucks, army vehicles, emergency transport and well as all kinds of bikes in many shapes and sizes.
Children were really excited to see the Thrust...the fastest car in the world!
Year 2 worked on a variety of projects that resulted in our wonderfully colourful display - try and pay a visit next time you are in school - it includes 3D models, sketches, drawings and collages - all transport related!
Finally, our end of topic outcome was our 'Vehicle Olympics'...the children made moving vehicles with working axles and wheels. The two Year 2 classes competed against each other to see which vehicle could travel the furthest when rolled down a ramp. It was great to see so many parent at our event supporting us - thank you!