Our day
Timings of our day
Morning Flowers (F1)
8.55 Doors open
9.00 Session begins
12.00 Session ends (doors open from 11.50 for collection of children)
Afternoon Flowers (F1)
12.30 Session begins
3.30 Session ends (doors open from 3.20 for collection of children)
Laurel and Redberry Classes (F2)
8.55 Doors open
9.00 Morning session begins
12.00 - 1.05 Lunch time
1.05 Afternoon session begins
3.35 Afternoon session finishes (doors open from 3.20 for collection of children)
Our learning environment
The learning environment in our Foundation Stage Unit gives the children opportunities to help them develop socially, emotionally, physically, morally and intellectually. In the Foundation Stage we promote active learning, through play, in seven areas of development:-
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
Our day
Our day is carefully planned to ensure every child has the best possible opportunity to learn and achieve their potential. Children experience a mixture of child initiated, small group and class group activities during each session.
Child initiated activities
During our activity times children choose their own learning. They have free flow access to the indoor and outdoor areas and there are a wide range or resources for the children to use. For example
During these activity times staff have specific roles and spend time interacting with the children and sharing in the children's learning, as well as focusing on specific activities and learning objectives.
Group teaching
During each session the children take part in group teaching and learning sessions. These take place at group carpet areas or around the Foundation Unit environment or school (eg the hall). They include things like:
- Phonics
- Singing and rhymes
- Stories
- Sharing books
- Mathematical activities
- Physical activities
- Circle time
- Music time
- Talk for writing
- Speaking and listening activities
Queries or questions
If you have any queries or questions about your child's learning and progress please speak to your child's class teacher. We are always happy to discuss your child with you and to answer any questions you may have. If we are not able to speak to you straight away we will arrange a convenient time to talk to you. We really appreciate all the support parents give to their children's learning and development.