Why so some creatures no longer exist?
This half term, we will begin our new topic, ‘Why do some creatures no longer exist?’ Their learning will allow them to explore some key questions regarding the evolution, adaptation and change of living things. Through scientific and geographical investigation, the children will discover the terms ‘variation’ and ‘selection’. They will use their learning to help them develop collage pieces, inspired by the work of Eric Carle. The children will also write stories to explore how creatures have evolved over time. This will culminate in a parent ‘drop-in’ exhibition of the children’s finished pieces.
During the second part of the Spring Term, Year 6 children will focus on algebra, measures and angles.
The key Concepts they will cover:
Vocabulary they will need to know:
How can I support my child in numeracy?
The children in Year 6 are expected to complete weekly maths homework, set on ‘My Maths’. If you do not have access to the internet, the children will have access to the laptops on a Thursday lunchtime. This half-term, the children will also have weekly arithmetic homework. This will be given on a Friday and due the following Friday.
In addition to their morning maths sessions, the children also have a focused times tables session in the afternoon. Your child has been allocated a specific times table to learn based on gaps in their knowledge. Please support your child to help them learn their multiplication tables at home and try and beat the next ‘Superhero’!
This term, the children will begin their topic with a focus on the text ‘How the Whale Became’ by Ted Hughes. This unit will allow the children to explore the question ‘Why do some creatures no longer exist?’ in further depth as they develop their own theories of animal extinction within short stories. They will focus on use of adverbials, subordinating conjunctions, complex sentences and higher level punctuation.
The children will conclude their learning at the end of the Spring term will a focus on explanation texts. Using film clips from ‘Wallace and Gromit’s Cracking Contraptions’, they will develop their understanding of verbs, noun phrases, passive voice and technical vocabulary.
How can I support my child in literacy?
Children in Year 6 should complete weekly homework on www.spag.com. Passwords to access this site can be found in the children’s reading diaries. This will usually be based around basic skills involving use of grammar, punctuation and spelling. Please ensure that your child completes this homework on a weekly basis.
The expectation is that children read at home at least 3 times a week. Reading is an essential part of your child’s learning and progress. Please sign your child’s reading diary to confirm that this is taking place.
Weekly spellings will be sent home on Mondays for your child to learn. This term, the children will be expected to record their spellings within sentences in order to develop their understanding of sentence construction as part of their homework. Please make sure that they have understood the spelling rule/pattern. This will help them to apply their learning within their own writing.