Every day, the children in Oak class take part in a English lesson linked to our current topic.
Have a look below to find out what we'll be learning about in English lessons this year.
As well as a daily English lesson, the children also take part in a Guided Reading session, a Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS) lesson and a handwriting session each day in order to help them to improve their key Literacy skills.
Autumn 1
During the first half term in English, we'll be using the Narnia text to write some really imaginative and effective setting descriptions. We'll then move on to Non-Fiction where we will use the March of the Penguins documentary to learn how to take notes and to write an information text. After that, we'll use the story of One Boy's War to discover what life would have been like during World War I and we'll use our knowledge to write personal accounts and an alternative ending to the text.
Autumn 2
In English lessons during the second half term, we'll be using the Grandpa Chatterji text to learn about stories from other cultures. We'll then move on to reading some poetry and use the famousHighwayman poem to learn how to write persuasively and present an argument. Finally, we'll finish the term by designing our own persuasive movie posters.
Spring 1
After Christmas, our English lessons will be linked to our Chocolate topic. We will start by looking at adverts for chocolate bars and we will then design our own persuasive advertisements. We will also learn how to write a balanced argument debating if we should eat chocolate or not. We'll finish the half term by recounting our exciting trip to Cadbury World.
Spring 2
After the half term break, we will focus on our class book, 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' and write letters, diary entries, character studies, predictions, instructions and alternative endings based around the text. We will then conclude our Chocolate topic by writing biographies based on George Cadbury, the founder of Cadburys.
Summer 1
In English this half term, we will be writing non-chronological reports. These will be in the form of fact files about the human body using the knowledge we have gained in our afternoon topic lessons. During the latter part of half-term we will be writing letters giving advice on how to maintain a healthy body and lifestyle.
Summer 2
In English this final half term, we will be studying Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet! Children will be learning this classic tale and eventually writing their own play scripts around one of the famous scenes. After this, we will return to poetry to create a class anthology of our poems. Then we will end the year by creating fact files about both Italy and our time in year 4. This will be ready to pass our words of wisdom onto the upcoming year 4s for the next academic year.