In Numeracy we use different methods to add, subtract, multiply and divide. We regularly practise our mental maths skills and test our times tables knowledge. We solve problems using our maths and try to spot patterns so we can make predictions. We have different levels of challenge to choose from each lesson so that we can push ourselves to be the best we can be.
We use online games to help consolidate our understanding in Numeracy.
We also learn that maths is about pattern spotting and developing a good memory.
This half term:
Over the first half of the Autumn term, the Year 5 children will focus on developing their skills in key units of numeracy. Firstly, they will continue to build on their knowledge of place value, addressing any gaps in their understanding of this essential mathematical area. By the end of the unit, the children will be able to read, write, order and compare numbers with increasing accuracy. They will also have the opportunity to develop their understanding of negative numbers.
The second unit will concentrate on the development of written methods for addition and subtraction. At Beeston Fields, we provide the children with at least 3 levels of challenge in maths with the children choosing to complete a Bronze, Silver or Gold activity. The children will also be able to apply their understanding and problem-solving skills in our regular Solve-It lessons.
Towards the end of this half-term the children will begin to learn strategies for written multiplication.