The key knowledge we learn in this unit is:
Nar R.1 Know that a story has three key parts, the beginning a middle and an end
Introduce the idea that stories follow a similar pattern of beginning, problem, resolution, ending – box up to be used to support this visually.
Nar R.3 Know how to identify and include the character
Nar R.4 Know a range of characters
Nar R.5 Know how to write a simple sentence using a either a character name or pronoun and a verb
Nar R.6 Know how to use adjectives within a simple sentence
Nar R.7 Know and apply the new vocabulary I am exposed to within my writing.
CR.1 Know and develop understanding of new vocabulary
CR.4 Know and recall a short sentence verbally.
The key knowledge we learn in this unit is:
RR.1 Know how to verbally use time related words, when discussing events.
RR.2 Know how to sequence pictures to recount events/stories
RR.5 Know some time related words and use these within their writing.
CR.1 Know and develop understanding of new vocabulary
GR.2 Know that using ‘I’ identifies first person when they are writing about themselves
PUR.1 Know the purpose of a full stop