Other information
School Uniform
All children are expected to wear the school uniform:
- Grey/black trousers, skirt, pinafore or shorts.
- White shirt, blouse or polo shirt.
- Blue jumper or cardigan.
- Black shoes with laces or securely fastened.
- Girls may also wear a blue check dress.
- The children have the option of purchasing our school tie which we designed with the designer Paul Smith, a past pupil of Beeston Fields.
Please make sure your child’s name is in all garments brought to school including shoes, bags and coats. Children are responsible for their own garments and equipment.
No Toys
Please do not send your child to school with any toys or anything of special value to them. We cannot take responsibility for any items that may go missing. We will inform you if we have any special days where toys will be allowed to be brought into school.
Tuck Money
Children can bring in 20p daily for the option of buying a healthy ‘tuck’ at playtimes from the school kitchen. Children are responsible for looking after their own money.
Lunch is at 12.00 noon and is followed by a period of outside play, supervised by our midday supervisors. As we are a healthy school, please provide a healthy lunchbox if your child is having a packed lunch.
Contact Details
Please keep the School Office updated with all your current contact details, phone numbers and addresses so that we can contact you directly and keep you updated with all school matters efficiently.
School gates will be open by 8.45am. Children line up in the playground on their coloured spot and wait with their parents/carers for their class teacher to arrive at 8:50am.
Parents should say goodbye in the playground and see their children safely into school.
It is disruptive if children come in late, but if you are late you need to come in through the School Office. Please be punctual. Please remember that school starts at 8.55 a.m.
Y6 children will be dismissed at 3.30pm from the Key Stage Two home-time exit (off the back playground).