Class Information
PE kits
PE lessons will be on Thursdays.
Children should bring appropriate clothing for outdoor PE.
All children are asked to bring in their own water bottle which they will have access to during PE lessons and after break-times.
Spelling test words are given out on Mondays. The test is then on Friday.
Children will be provided with a spelling list giving example words for a particular letter string, spelling rule or word part. They will then also be tested on additional words to make sure they can apply their knowledge.
For example, if your child is learning '-dge' words their spelling list may contain the words bridge, fudge anddodge and then they may also be tested on words that do not appear on their list such as badger.
Children should be reading to an adult a minimum of 3 times a week. When you hear your child read please record this in their reading diaries. This year the children have brand new spiral-bound reading diaries and they are responsible for bringing them in every day.
Your child's reading book level is based on our assessment of their comprehension abilities. Being able to decode the words in the text is only one part of their reading. Once they are able to do this then they can work on reading with expression and on achieving a deeper understanding of the story. You can help your child to develop their comprehension abilities by asking them questions about the story as you listen to them read.
For example:
What has happened so far?
Can you predict what will happen next?
What do you think about the characters?
Are there any words you don't know?
How do you think the characters feel?