Spring 2 - What will I find on an adventure?
Spring 2 Curriculum Overview
Taught content Literacy
RN.1 Know some time related words and can use these within their talk
First, then, next, after, lastly, finally
RN.2 Know and begin to sequence pictures to recount events/stories with increasing accuracy
Have pictures from the trip to order
RN.3 Know how to talk a simple sentence, recalling events using ‘I’ or ‘we’
RN.4 Know how to talk in a simple sentence, using 4-6 words.
I went to the aquarium. I saw lots of fish.
RN.5 Know the vocabulary of ‘first’, ‘then’ and ‘after’, using this within their talk with increased accuracy
Taught Maths Content
Counting principle – cardinality
Quantify small groups with increasing confidence, applying the cardinal principle.
Know how to identify the size of a group up to three items (cardinal principle)
Building with 3D shapes (exposure to 3D) exploring spatial reasoning
Know how to make structures using blocks, considering the different blocks/shapes they are using.
Children to talk about what is happening in a picture – referring to spatial relationships. E.g.: ‘What is in the box?’
To know how to make structures using construction kits
Positional language
Children to talk about what is happening in a picture – referring to spatial relationships. E.g.: ‘What is in the box?’
To know and talk about a familiar route.
Make predictions – What might happen next in a sequence or a routine?
To know how to talk about a simple, familiar route.
Familiar routines
Show ‘finger numbers’ up to 5.
Explores using a range of their own marks and signs to which they ascribe mathematical meanings.
To know and talk about a similar, familiar routine
Capacity – full/empty
Can describe when an item such as a jug is either full or empty.
Incidentally use language linked to measure within their play.
To know when an object is full and empty
Revisit subitising
Fast recognition of up to 3 objects, without having to count them individually (‘subitising’)
Know how to subitise to 3