Story corner
Story corner is an exciting opportunity for your child to immerse themselves in books and discover an enjoyment of reading! During these sessions, your child will discover an enjoyment for reading using a range of thrilling books and resources. Stories open up a whole new world for imagination. Your child will have the opportunity to explore stories through role play, crafts, drama and art in addition to traditional storytelling. The Key Stage 2 children will also create book reviews based on their opinions of the books. The children will remain with children of their own age for the majority of the sessions although there will also be many opportunities to listen to stories as staff read to them. Teachers and TAs will be on hand throughout to support your child in focused learning.
We hope that you will see this as a valuable opportunity for your child to discover a love of reading for themselves in addition to developing reading skills at their own pace.
Date/time: Thursdays, 3:30 - 4:15pm (FSU) & 3:30pm - 4:30pm (KS1&KS2)
Please speak to Miss Potter for further information.