Special Education Needs
At Beeston Fields Primary School we are proud to have been part of an important government pilot project about Special Educational Needs (SEN). This was called Achievement for All (AFA). It was all about changing peoples attitudes to children with SEN. Just because a child has an additional need in one area does not mean they cannot achieve in many other areas. We feel it is important that schools celebrate all the successes children have. We passed the targets set as part of the project with flying colours and continue to work hard to keep our school as inclusive as possible. Please see our plaque in the entrance hall! We work very hard to ensure all children in our school are valued and supported.
If you would like to find out more about the SEN area of school please speak to your child's class teacher or the SEN coordinator. Please look in the Policies section at the SEN Policy and our School SEND Local Offer which detail the provision available.